Thursday, June 13, 2013

Quick Post 5: 'Warm Bodies'


Well, obviously I have stopped writing ever since. Don't even ask why, because that way it is.

There the title is. I'm not talking about zombies and shit, but some reflection of events occurring in my life, recently, lately.

Last month, I was hit by a car, or so (I was the one hitting the car, actually). Some minors injuries, scratches here and there. And, here it happened again today, while this time, I really was hitting the car. LOL. I'm not sure what kind of voodoo or spells was recited on me. This time I bleed big time. My arm, I could even see the flesh. But, adrenaline come in handy though, I dont feel it hurts much. Even, my butt hurts.

Despite, I was considered so very lucky, not to be fatal or something. Well, I guessed He still wants me to wander on His earths for blessings. Well, God, you got this, this time I'll work for it big time. I won't waste this moments you still spared me.


Do you know, or ever experience, the last seconds of your life, when your life almost being taken away? Some says, it's the sparks, some says, it's the lights, well, as for me, its the nothingness in between life and death. The feelings is somewhat empty, it's like your soul at that moment was freezed, not being able to hear anything but a 'screetch' sound, your eyes are not seeing anything. You can't feel, no remorse, no nothing. It's like you're flying away from the bike into the thin air, and just slammed on to the ground. No fear, at all, but heart beat. Exactly, what I feel, today, when I hit the back of the car, real hard; though I'm not sure how hard, I just thought it so hard, I flew to the side of the car. Paused. Stunted, flabbergasted, startled, all mixed.You can't decide what to feel. To feel sorry for yourself, or to just get up and... I inspect my arms, its bleeding, well white flesh on my arms are visible at least. No, no pain, just blood.

'To bleed, is not what I'm afraid of, but to bleed, and not counting my blessings is'

Bleeding, it makes me feel alive.

Tell me, what makes you feel alive?
