Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dreams and Perks of Life

Well, surprisingly enough I don’t have big dreams. I don’t dream to be rich and what not. I don’t dream to be working in huge, gigantic, well-known corporation like most of people would do if they have the chance to. But I do have a dream to get just enough; not because I’m easily satisfied, but because I think life is larger than what it means materially. 

While most of my colleagues want to have big jobs, big pay checks at big corporation; well who am I kidding to say that I don’t want it all huh? But, as far as I’m concern, that’s definitely not my destination. I want to work somewhere I can be proud of but not for too long though. Because, at some point in your life you just want to be free and being able to do anything you have ever wanted is more refreshing than the thought of having to do things you don’t really enjoy (unless it is something you enjoy, then stop).

If someone were to ask me, whether or not I would gain enough money if I don’t become allegedly big-pay-corporate-guy (which I get a lot, whenever we started to talk about my dream), I would say this; 

“You’re going to be broke, you’re going to hurt, and you’re going to die anyway. And yes, it’s ignorant to not say that you are as well going to be happy and enjoying life as much as people with huge pay checks (or infact you are going to enjoy more than they are). But, all that is part of life. Just because you’re well-off and socially-well-done, doesn’t mean social-less-conformer is not going to do well too, because doing well in life is a perspective. It’s about how you see life, and most importantly; how enjoy it. And of course, everyone has a totally different way of celebrating life, you know why? Because it’s their life, and it’s not a one way street.

Arguing that life should be enjoyed as if it’s a one way street, is kind of ignorant and maybe it’s the idea of people who trying to dissemble their weakness in the celebration. And saying that only wealth can make you happy just because you would have anything in the world with that notes with written digits is total fallacy. Despite all above, you might see me struggling to survive the capitalist world, because that’s what the world want you to know and to suffer from it. We’ve gone through half of the sufferings, why stops now? Go on and do what you like.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?

Been awhile since the last time I've written on this wall.

If I were to be asked (personally) how I see myself in 5 years, I would have a long unfinished list to be presented to them. Well, it does consist of few versions and chapters. But the one I usually clung on would be this one, the one that I'm going to write down there.

"How do you see yourself in 5 years?"

Urmm, well, 5 years is a relatively short period of time. I'm 22 now and in 5 years I'm going to be 27. While most of my friend or non-friends or whoever around my age would think of having a family and kids, well, let's just say that I'm not ready for it yet. I'm kind of a commitment freak, I'd say.

I mean, I'm just not ready to be stuck there in a house with someone who do not even know me, and stay like that forever. Biggest issue is, I wanna fly free, i wanna go here and there, see people, help kids in the rural areas of Nepal and India and Bhutan and Middle East; which their village's name you can't even spell. Unless, she is willing to live stray, move here and there, then it's a deal. But I don't think there's girl like that.

Plus, in 5 years I only see me making my parents happy, helping them out in their golden years. I might not be the funniest or useful child in the family, but at least, while they're there, I just want to give them all I've got.

While most of people around my age are seeing themselves as promising leaders in a big company or so, I hope to be one as well, but I guess life is bigger than achieving what is noble and holy in the eyes' of society, well typical. So instead of just working for money I wish I could just wander around the world, seeing things and people, go to as much corner the world has to offer as possible. Just challenging my self doing things most people won't do. I mean, if most people don't think there's anything wrong to just conform with the need of the society, then there has to be nothing wrong for someone to not conform to the society as well.

While, this might just ends up in a dream, I still have a slight hope that this gonna be real. I've been thinking about this in sleep, when I'm zoning out in class, in toilet when I poop. It's kinda big deal for this to be real tho.

Well, how you see yourself in 5 years then?
