Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Kind of Life; You got One Life.


"You have vast of chances ahead. Color up your life and do the out-of-ordinary because the ordinary is dull."

This is to all young people out there. Those who have pennies to be spent, time to be wasted, and loads of energy to be doing something great!

You guys are so lucky not to be bonded by any organizations upon graduation. Yet, free to choose where to go from there. Being paid an adequate amount of stipend by the unattached, strictly loose requirement to be maintained -organization. This is a chance, Opportunity. The kind of thing you don't get much in life. Me, I don't have this. But, it's not a bad thing, though. Albeit all the grades requirement and stuffs; I still get to do things I love even sometimes I don't think I get to do much of them.

But, you people are having this thing, the kind of thing most of fellas out there could only dream, or wish for. And it is such a waste if all you do with that perks were, spending them on items that could not be a memory; or a story to be told. 

Use that stipend, not wisely but use to the fullest; not on materials that can not be turn into a story, but on a journey or something that can be written into a novel, after all experiences are the best teacher. 

Stop being typical. Do what you think matter and counts. Go to the raid, go to concert and party. Go to the beaches and hike in forests. Travel alone in a totally anonymous place. Get acquainted to as many people possible. Go online and look for fellow traveler.

If you are not into travelling outside, go online and look for sites that offer volunteering and go fucking volunteer. Help the people. Meet the less fortunate. Go to conferences that discusses the society. Go to a book store and grab pieces that gives you something to think.

It's amazing we are in Engineering School, or Medical School or something and all we know (not well known-of though) is the topics related to our major. Grab some coffee and tea and call someone (or chat online) and set a coffee talk in Starbucks and discuss about different topics that matters to the world. Stop spending your time remembering Engineering stuffs, talk to some one in Economics, talk to someone in Law or Arts. Get some fucking knowledge from them.

Go out to the other faculty and take a minor in Macro Economics, Philosophy or Writings. Make your youth days count. Go out with friends on a sushi date and movies. Put the books aside, sometime, because you are going to need time off, once in a while.

Most importantly, make your University life a memorable one. It's kinda hard for some one like me to do so; with the bonding and stuffs, requirement I need to fulfill (because I'm academically retarded), but you have the chances and if you waste it now, you are going to waste it forever.

It's not about the physical possession you might enjoy or any official accreditation you might get. Its about doing things that you, yourself could be proud of, even though no one will.

Finally, just go out there and throw all the money and time and energy you for something that matter most, not for anyone, but for you; so if fate says you are going to be a writer, you have something to write about. If says, you are going to be a grand parent, you have a story to tell your grand kids. Some people need to be reminded of appreciating all the finer (might be smallest) things in life.

Till then,

Someone who care.

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