Sunday, December 29, 2013

Life Unfortunately

Unfortunately, in life; the destination does not matter. In the end, thing that counts is the journey; after all, because life is all about the journey; from the start. 

It's about the path you have crossed, the puddle of water you have stepped on, the grass field you have rolled over, the barb that your hands and feet have been torn-ed in, the rain that you have drenched on, the stones that you have thrown and being thrown at, the stairs and floors that you have fallen over.
It's about the hills that you have climbed, the beaches and rivers and swamps that you have swum in, the trees that you have clung on, the clouds and skies that you have stared at, the stars you have gazed.

It's about the people you have met and the memories you have made with them, the cats and dogs you have been played with and chased by, the chipping of birds and cuckoo-ing of cock that have wake you up in the morning, the sound of crickets that filled your night, the honking that you've got in the traffic, the sound of fox that you do not know even until now.

It's about what has happened in your life, in you and what are bound to happen again. It's not about what should happened, because the-should-happened things are your option, and life is a journey created by the traveler; you.

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