Sunday, December 29, 2013

Life Unfortunately

Unfortunately, in life; the destination does not matter. In the end, thing that counts is the journey; after all, because life is all about the journey; from the start. 

It's about the path you have crossed, the puddle of water you have stepped on, the grass field you have rolled over, the barb that your hands and feet have been torn-ed in, the rain that you have drenched on, the stones that you have thrown and being thrown at, the stairs and floors that you have fallen over.
It's about the hills that you have climbed, the beaches and rivers and swamps that you have swum in, the trees that you have clung on, the clouds and skies that you have stared at, the stars you have gazed.

It's about the people you have met and the memories you have made with them, the cats and dogs you have been played with and chased by, the chipping of birds and cuckoo-ing of cock that have wake you up in the morning, the sound of crickets that filled your night, the honking that you've got in the traffic, the sound of fox that you do not know even until now.

It's about what has happened in your life, in you and what are bound to happen again. It's not about what should happened, because the-should-happened things are your option, and life is a journey created by the traveler; you.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Kind of Life; You got One Life.


"You have vast of chances ahead. Color up your life and do the out-of-ordinary because the ordinary is dull."

This is to all young people out there. Those who have pennies to be spent, time to be wasted, and loads of energy to be doing something great!

You guys are so lucky not to be bonded by any organizations upon graduation. Yet, free to choose where to go from there. Being paid an adequate amount of stipend by the unattached, strictly loose requirement to be maintained -organization. This is a chance, Opportunity. The kind of thing you don't get much in life. Me, I don't have this. But, it's not a bad thing, though. Albeit all the grades requirement and stuffs; I still get to do things I love even sometimes I don't think I get to do much of them.

But, you people are having this thing, the kind of thing most of fellas out there could only dream, or wish for. And it is such a waste if all you do with that perks were, spending them on items that could not be a memory; or a story to be told. 

Use that stipend, not wisely but use to the fullest; not on materials that can not be turn into a story, but on a journey or something that can be written into a novel, after all experiences are the best teacher. 

Stop being typical. Do what you think matter and counts. Go to the raid, go to concert and party. Go to the beaches and hike in forests. Travel alone in a totally anonymous place. Get acquainted to as many people possible. Go online and look for fellow traveler.

If you are not into travelling outside, go online and look for sites that offer volunteering and go fucking volunteer. Help the people. Meet the less fortunate. Go to conferences that discusses the society. Go to a book store and grab pieces that gives you something to think.

It's amazing we are in Engineering School, or Medical School or something and all we know (not well known-of though) is the topics related to our major. Grab some coffee and tea and call someone (or chat online) and set a coffee talk in Starbucks and discuss about different topics that matters to the world. Stop spending your time remembering Engineering stuffs, talk to some one in Economics, talk to someone in Law or Arts. Get some fucking knowledge from them.

Go out to the other faculty and take a minor in Macro Economics, Philosophy or Writings. Make your youth days count. Go out with friends on a sushi date and movies. Put the books aside, sometime, because you are going to need time off, once in a while.

Most importantly, make your University life a memorable one. It's kinda hard for some one like me to do so; with the bonding and stuffs, requirement I need to fulfill (because I'm academically retarded), but you have the chances and if you waste it now, you are going to waste it forever.

It's not about the physical possession you might enjoy or any official accreditation you might get. Its about doing things that you, yourself could be proud of, even though no one will.

Finally, just go out there and throw all the money and time and energy you for something that matter most, not for anyone, but for you; so if fate says you are going to be a writer, you have something to write about. If says, you are going to be a grand parent, you have a story to tell your grand kids. Some people need to be reminded of appreciating all the finer (might be smallest) things in life.

Till then,

Someone who care.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Thought 4

"You can be of the high power. But you can't be divine; after all, you are merely a human, just like me. And I, we; human make mistakes."

Saturday, December 21, 2013

TFTN Education Congress at TM Convention Centre


Just to share of the quotes I get from the speakers during the Congress.

It has been fun in the Congress, meeting with fellow change-makers, make new friends (even got a ride back to KL Sentral; thanks man!), and most importantly eyes-to-eyes with someone I look-up to; Mr Anas Alam Faizli, not to mention Nurul Izzah (she left earlier), and that funny lad, Mr Matluthfi (this guy is funny in-and-out), and if you love reading articles; you'l be excited about Mr Fathi Aris.

"Education approach through LOVE" -Anas ALam Faizli-

"We are more testing than educating" -Dato' Dr Siddiq Fadzil-

"Kenapa sekolah tidak menyenangkan? - kerana sekolah gagal memberi kasih sayang" -Dato' Dr Siddiq Fadzil-

"Orang miskin tidak bodoh, mereka miskin kerana dimiskinkan dan bodoh kerana dibodohkan oleh sistem" -Dato' Dr Siddiq Fadzil-

"Men are born ignorance-not stupid, they are made stupid by education" -Dato' Dr Siddiq Fadzil-

"Young man, be brave to ventures; ....those succeeding guys they aren't loyal to anyone but performance" -Dr Ghauth Jasmon-

"Being futuristic without the sounds of knowledge is akin of building a sand hole- sadly, you are the generation that is sinking in that hole" -Nurul Izzah-

"Purpose of education; afterall, is to engage with humane's maximum potential" -Nurul Izzah-

"Harapan saya; supaya mahasiswa tidak terikat oleh HEP dan bebas untuk bergerak" -Nurul Izzah-

Friday, December 20, 2013

Thought 3

I used to dwell in a corner thinking that grades I acquire in exams matter most in life.
It's pretty much defines who I am, where I'll work, pay I'll get.
Well, 6 years has gone, I learned something that everyone should; I learned that life is bigger than that.

All these while, I have been thinking about how many A's I'm getting at the end of the term, it kills
part of me inside.
Well, after all; when I started doing things I like; going places, hikes,entering stupid competition to win free stuffs, I feel like I'm living again.

I guess, grades do not actually defines me (by any means but my memorizing and manipulating abilities),
however, doing things that makes me feels me; does.
I mean, these are all subjective matter.

Some of us might find getting bundles of A's favorable that it makes our life a better life-to-live; the question is, does all those things are the kind of memories we would like to keep forever?
If they aren't, then we got to find something that will.

Anyway, YOLO right?

Thought 2

"If love is setting a place at the table for someone who never coming home; I think I'll pass"

Thought 1

"I'm vulnerable."

"Awww, people are fragile. I mean, God purposely made us that way.
To be mad, be sad, be happy, have feelings and live with it."


"Yeah, or life would be dull."

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Quick Post 5: 'Warm Bodies'


Well, obviously I have stopped writing ever since. Don't even ask why, because that way it is.

There the title is. I'm not talking about zombies and shit, but some reflection of events occurring in my life, recently, lately.

Last month, I was hit by a car, or so (I was the one hitting the car, actually). Some minors injuries, scratches here and there. And, here it happened again today, while this time, I really was hitting the car. LOL. I'm not sure what kind of voodoo or spells was recited on me. This time I bleed big time. My arm, I could even see the flesh. But, adrenaline come in handy though, I dont feel it hurts much. Even, my butt hurts.

Despite, I was considered so very lucky, not to be fatal or something. Well, I guessed He still wants me to wander on His earths for blessings. Well, God, you got this, this time I'll work for it big time. I won't waste this moments you still spared me.


Do you know, or ever experience, the last seconds of your life, when your life almost being taken away? Some says, it's the sparks, some says, it's the lights, well, as for me, its the nothingness in between life and death. The feelings is somewhat empty, it's like your soul at that moment was freezed, not being able to hear anything but a 'screetch' sound, your eyes are not seeing anything. You can't feel, no remorse, no nothing. It's like you're flying away from the bike into the thin air, and just slammed on to the ground. No fear, at all, but heart beat. Exactly, what I feel, today, when I hit the back of the car, real hard; though I'm not sure how hard, I just thought it so hard, I flew to the side of the car. Paused. Stunted, flabbergasted, startled, all mixed.You can't decide what to feel. To feel sorry for yourself, or to just get up and... I inspect my arms, its bleeding, well white flesh on my arms are visible at least. No, no pain, just blood.

'To bleed, is not what I'm afraid of, but to bleed, and not counting my blessings is'

Bleeding, it makes me feel alive.

Tell me, what makes you feel alive?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Memo 2: ASEAN Countries Backpacking Trip.


I'll be departing from KLIA to Suvarnabhumi Bangkok this Sunday (7 April 2013) for so-called ASEAN Countries backpacking trip or so I call it. Be going to Thailand and overland to Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Ho Chi Minh City and air travel to Singapore. It's a week journey.:)
Alhamdullilah for letting me see other places. :)


If you get a chance, travel. You'll see the part of the world that you've never seen. Even better, you'll learn to be grateful.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Eigth Post: Ini Sistem Kita, Tapi Kita Tetap Terperangkap


Hari ini aku baru sahaja lepas mengharungi hari paling teruk dalam kehidupan aku. Teruk yang bagaimana? Susah aku nak gambarkan. Aku menuntut ilmu di sebuah universiti kejuruteraan yang mempunyai kedudukan baik di negara ini, tapi mentaliti penuntutnya, susah nak digambarkan. 
Teringat ayat Co-Founder TFTN pada saya dalam Twitter, tentang menyuruh saya lakuakn perubahan. 'Stay out of your comfort zone' Indeed!

Mereka pom-pang-pom-pang tidak puas hati pada sesuatu tapi bila diberi peluang untuk mengekspreskan rasa itu, merek berdiam diri. Mana hilangnya minda kelas pertama kita? Mana hilangnya tahap keyakinan tiada batas seorang pemikir oleh mahasiswa sperti kita? Mana hilangnya IQ tinggi  yang menjadikan kamu pelajar Anugerah Dekan Kelas Pertama jika perkara semudah ini kita tak mampu nak lakukan.

Kita bukan dipaksa untuk terus berada dijalan ini walau pun kita tak suka, bahkan kita siap dibentang peluang untuk suarakan pendapat kita sebagai seorang pemikir, namun akhirnya kecewa kerana soul ahli fikir ini semua hilang. Alasannya, tidak mahu campur tangan hal-hal seperti ini, alasannya lagi, selagi dia tak kacau kita, kita malas nak campur. Alasannya lagi, takpelah ikut jelah apa dia cakap.

Sampai bila? Bukan suruh anda memberontak, cukup untuk anda berikan pandangan. Anda mengaku mahasiswa bijak berintegriti dengan keputusan cemerlang, tetapi anda takut mahu tegakkan hak anda? Tetapi anda malu nak betulkan apa yang salah? Sistem pendidikan apa yang kita lalui selama ini sehingga minda kita terbelenggu se kronik ini? 

Patutlah ahli pemikir kita yang sedang berkhidmat pun sama saja dibelenggu sperti kita, sebab kita pun sudah dilatih dari awal lagi untuk membelenggu diri sendiri. 'Kau buat je apa aku cakap, selagi kau jaga aku, aku takkan kacau kau'  Inilah mentaliti ahli fikir sekarang. Aku tak kacau kau, kau jagan kacau aku. Aku tak nak masuk campur sebab bukan urusan aku (walaupun memang urusan kau cuma kau tak sedar).

Kita sekarang ini aku ibaratkan macam seorang banduan dalam bilik yang sangat gelap. Walaupun kita berpakaian cantik dan menarik untuk ditunjukkan pada orang ramai, namun dek kerana kegelapan itu, kecantikan itu tidak kelihatan, tidak zahir di mata. Kita dengar bunyi tikus berkeliaran di sekitar bilik penjara, namun kita tak mampu nak buat apa-apa kerana keadaan terlalu gelap walau kita tahu kewujudunnya tikus itu. Alasannya mudah, kerana kita masih terpenjara. Dan yang lebih sedih kita terpenjara dalam bilik yang kita anggap tempat beradu namun bertukar menjadi penjara yang gelap gelita sehinggakan keindahan persalinan yang di pakaikan pada tubuh pun tidak kelihatan. RUGINYA. BAJU CANTIK TAPI ORANG TAK NAMPAK. TAHU ADA TIKUS DALAM BILIK PENJARA TAPI TAK MAMPU NAK HALAU.


Andai inilah yang kita peroleh selama 10 tahun lebih menuntut ilmu, mungkin kita patut ada rasa malu pada diri sendiri. Bukan mungkin tapi mesti. 

Seharusnya pendidikan menjadikan manusia itu manusia bukannya robot yang menurut kata. Apa saja di pinta kita menurut membabi buta tak perlu ada soal dan tanya. Justeru di mana nilai pendidikan dan menuntut ilmu jika yang di damba hanya bayaran bulanan kerja? Di mana nilai pendidkan jika yang di zahir hanya menghamba semata? Di mana nilai pendidikan jika fungsi minda di helaian putih cuma? Mungkin itu definisi pendidikan untuk kita? atau mungkin hanya pendidikan yang seperti ini yang layak untuk insan sperti kita? Pendidikan kerana harta bukan kerana nilai nya yang sebenar. Bijak betul kita ini. Jangan pendidikan itu cukup bila terima segulung ijazah sahaja.

Ini lah masalah kita. Silence and LISTEN. LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN!

Salam, anda tahu yang terbaik untuk anda, tapi ada yang mahukannya dan ada yang tidak ambil peduli. Terpulang.

p/s Additional reading here. (similar blogpost)

Sedap quote ni,

Friday, March 1, 2013

Seventh Post: Dahulu Ini Sebuah Janji, Tapi Telah Dicapati.


Kata mereka: "Nak buat proposal berbulan-bulan." -Ok sekarang dah berbulan-bulan dah rasanya (>3bulan).

Kata mereka: "Nak buat survey harga di universiti lain dahulu: -Ok, rasanya dah ada pihak yang provide maklumat tu.
" kolam renang larkin RM4.., klam renang seremban RM2.. Kolam Renang UIA Free; siap ada 2 kolam renang, satu untuk lelaki satu untuk perempuan.. Kolam renang UTM RM5, terpaksa ikut jadual pulak tu, and bukak lambat (pukul 9) =_="
          -petikan di facebook-

Kata mereka: "Beri kami masa" -Ok, nk berapa banyak lagi masa? Setahun, dua tahun?

Ini bukan tentang isu kolam renang harga murah atau mahal. Ini tentang janji-janji yang ditaburkan. Ini tentang anda yang berjanji pada kami. Ini tentang perkara yang membuatkan kami undi anda kerana anda memberi kami harapan. 

Mungkin ini soal remeh dibandingkan denga isu politik nasional yang lebih hangat. Malah pasti ada pihak yang akan mengomel "Eleh, ini pun nak besarka, bukannya big problem pun. Dalam universiti je pun."
Ya betul, memang bukan isu besar, tapi besar atau tidak isu itu, tanggung jawab dan amanah yang dipikul sama besar sahaja dengan orang-orang yang terlibat dalam perkara yang lebih besar seperti isu poilitik nasional.

Mereka tidak salah sepenuhnya. Ada perkara yang mereka lakukan dengan baik dan tahniah untuk itu. Cuma, sedikit kelompongan seperti ini boleh menyebabkan pelbagai isu berbangkait, khusus insan-insan yang cuba menjatuhkan anda. Sebab, semasa awal kempen dulu, manifesto ini semua anda jadikan seolah-olah objektif perjuangan anda yang utama, namun setelah di pilih mejadi wakil kami berdasarkan manifesto itu, terus, sunyi sepi perlaksanaan manifesto. Mana turun harga kolam renang? Mana janji tandas bersih? Mana janji coach shuttle khas untuk wanita? Mana janji peningkatan perkhidmatan bas? Kalau bukan pada kertas flyers yang melambak bersepah di lantai usai pilihan raya yang akhirnya dikutip oleh makcik-makcik cleaner.

Salam, one who says, once didn't care, even until now.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Travelog 1: Backpacking in Sabah


I'm not gonna write much in this post, all I'm giving is pictures and a lot of them.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Memo 1

I'm going backpack to Sabah next week. Wee~ -_-"
Kinda nervous and excited.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sixth Post: Courageous. What is True and What is Not.

This week, my TL in either Twitter or Facebook was and is flooded with 'Listen, Listen, Listen' and 'Animals have problems too!' and 'Sharks have problems' and most importantly our 'hero' Miss Bavani with her long statistics and figures.

I actually do not have any problem with this issue. But when I watched the video and saw how she's being humiliated in front of her peers, I think that is somehow an action of violating one's dignity. She ain't deserved to be treated like that. Plus, Miss Jobeen does not really need to grab her mic and confront her face to face. According to what a sane human would think, Miss Jobeen was as much intimidated as she tried to re-intimidate Miss Bavani in her reply speech. If she was by any chance not intimidated by all the facts and statistics presented by Miss Bavani, she won't come down stage and repeating same exclamation word over again (10 times or more). By doing just that, she has dragged her professionals level to a much lower level than Miss Bavani's after she was humiliated.

What surprised me more, was the applause from the crowd every time Miss Jobeen attacked Miss Bavani.  There's nothing wrong in supporting her(Jobeen's) points but there's a limit to that. And we know the line that should not be crossed was when Miss Bavani was alone standing confronting her dignity with an older woman who supported by Bavani's peers and, I can't imagine how she'd feel at that very moment. And if this  is the integrity that those students learnt in the university through out their 4 years, I'd very much to say, our education systems has failed us. It's a harsh truth but it is. What's the purpose of learning if we can't develop our common sense? Yeah, the lecturers ain't teaching us common senses in the syllabus but we are and should develop it during the process of learning itself. Not just by reading every single words in the text books and doing all the tutorials and all we get from that was nothing. That would make us a robot.

However, in a way, Miss Bavani, too have her own flaw, when she used a very harsh intonations towards someone older. If she was to be blamed, it's maybe because she was too emotional and with a sole intentions to make us realize that we as educated group of people actually deserve something more.

Lastly, the moment Miss Jobeen said that among all students in the hall, Miss Bavani's has the less education, I'd still believe that if she is indeed academically retarded (if that's the case but I don't think so because this type of people usually are on average at least not lowest) , she is somehow much much much more educated generically and her mind and brain and common senses are working properly compared to those clapping hand (except for one Chinese guy who has his voice in the background but later muted). Bavani actually did not by any chance deserves a place in any institutions in Malaysia because it's cheap and not capable of developing her well-developed mind. If I have the capacity, I would certainly having her to work with me and send her to any top notch university in the world like Harvard, Cambridge or else, because with the qualities she has shown she'd not just make a good student with book but a good leader, a good person and an outstanding human.
Salam, you might be good in one thing but remember there's others who are good in many things that you are not.
footnote: i) Video Post related; redirect here (2+2=5) (Shabab Alif, 2012) Do follow their Youtube Channel; Shabab alif.
            ii)  Video Post related; redirect here (Parody Forum Suara Mahasiswa) (Matluthfi, 2013) Do follow their Youtube Channel; Matluthfi.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Fifth Post: Betulkah Redha?

Source Chicagoland;Neuropsychology 
"Hari ini, iaitu 3 hari selepas berakhirnya Final Exam Semester 3, maka dengan terkejutnya, telah keluarlah keputusan bagi subjek yang agak tertentu. Ada yang dapat result ok dan memuaskan hati dan ada yang tidak. Tapi apa pun result yang keluar, kita kena terima je la. Sebab usaha,doa dan tawakkal semua kita dah buat. Lagipun bukan keputusan gred yang aku ukur sebagai pencapaian akademik ku mulai semester ini, tetapi seberapa banyak yang aku boleh gunakan untuk manfaat diri ku dan keluarga bila sudah graduate nanti. Dan cara ini lebih berkesan untuk aku melepaskan rasa kecewa jika keputusan itu mungkin tidak mencapai target. Tapi semester ni ak dah takde target apa-apa dah. Apa yang Allah beri itu yang aku terima."

Hatiku bermonolog.

Kata-kata di atas memang sangat mudah nk diungkap tambah pula bila di ekspres di dalam hati cuma. Namun bila kita betul-betul melalui situasi itu, baru kita tahu dan sedar betapa beratnya dan sukarnya untuk hati ini menerima keperitan bila melihat keputusan tidak seperti diharapkan. Perkara ini bukan berlaku sekali sekala. Dalam 13 tahun menjadi penuntut ilmu dunia, selama 13 tahun itu jugalah situasi ini harus ditempuhi. Tapi, pelik, mengapa walaupun dah 13 tahun mengahadapi perkara yang sama berulang kali, namun masih hati tidak lembut dan tidak mudah untuk terima dengan tenang. Kenapa? 

Terkadang, bila teringat betapa tidak bersyukur nya diri ini dengan apa yang Dia telah kurniakan hati rasa sangat sebak, air mata mula mencurah tetapi tidak secara zahir, kerana malu, aku sebagai hamba yang usaha dan yakin padaNya tidak seberapa tetapi mahukan yang paling baik walhal apa yang aku berikan pada Nya langsung tidak setimpal. Ini kah sikap hamba? Bukan. Ini sikap manusia yang tidak kenal erti syukur.Aku dikira beruntung, kerana masih mampu dan punya kudrat untuk log in ke web dan semak keputusan ku. Walhal, ada rakan seperjuangan ku yang bukan sahaja tidak mampu berbuat sedemikian malah tidak sempat untuk merasa perasaan menduduki peperiksaaan. Tidak sempat untuk merasa menyambut tamatnya peperiksaan dengan rakan-rakan. Betapa besarnya nikmat yang Dia dah beri pada kita.

Terkadang aku terkilan, kerana terdetik dalam hati mengungkit; 'aku dah study siang malam nk dapat excellent subjek ni subjek tu, tapi kenapa tak dapat? Apa salah aku? Aku dah usaha kot, aku dah doa kot? Takkan usaha aku x cukup? Pelil pelik.' Tapi tanpa kita sedari, kita seolah-olah telah mempersoalkan pula kebijaksanaan Allah dalam menguruskan hambaNya. Sedangkan Dia sahaja yang tahu apa yang tidak kita ketahui. Kita yakin dengan usaha yang bnyak kita boleh dapat keputusan cemerlang. Padahal usaha itu sikit pun tidak menyumbang kepada keputusan kita melainkan dengan izin Allah. Susah betul nak tanam yakin dalam diri bahawa cuma Allah yang punya kuasa atas tiap2 sesuatu, bukan benda lain. Jadi hari ini, Allah dah tunjukkan depan mata kita semua, depan mata aku, depan mata kita yang usaha kita tidak ada kuasa langsung terhadapa apa pun, tetapi cuma Dia. Cuma Dia yang ada kuasa ke atas kita. 

Bila rasa syukur tu hilang, bila ada rasa kecewa, cuba bisikkan dalam hati kita, ingatkan kembali tujuan kita belajar, ingatkan semula kenapa kita di sini? InshaAllah, hati akan lapang seketika.
Salam, keep calm and have faith. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Letter to: Sisters

Dear sisters all over the world.

You know this brother of yours loves you. You know our dad loves you. We want us all to be in Jannah. So, do what it takes for us to be there. Stop doing sins when you are not married, because all your sins are going to Dad's. You really are having the guts to see Dad get all the sins that you do? You say you love him? Really? Then proves it. Stop doing things that will make you go to Hell when you are married. I thought you guys are married of a mutual love and trust. Then why committing sins that your husbands are going to be responsible for it? Is it really love or is it just nafsu? Please show you really love us if you truly are.

Please, don't walk with pride. Don't you know all the guys are looking at you? They are looking at what you are trying to show them? Your hair, your skin, your shape. Don't blame them when the blame is actually at your end in the first place. Lower your gaze, don't simply trust them and giving them all they want. Unless they become Halal for you. They might say they love you but they just want you for who you appear to be not for what you really are. I know you are better than this sister. Dad has taught you a lot about love didn't him? Don't he already gives you enough love? Why can't you see that. You don't need love from someone who are just using you. If he' sincere loving you, then he wont ask for you to do things that is haram for you, he wont ask to touch you, what's more to kiss you. But if he did, he's not that sincere, trust me.

Dear sister,

I thought you have promised to all the guys that are responsible to your deeds; dad, brother and mum, that you are going to follow Allah's rules. You say you'll cover your aurat? But why don't you do it properly? Why must you show part of your body? Allah says cover every part of your body but palms and face. But why some of you reckon to do that? Why show hair? Don't they say in shampoo commercial that your hair is your crown. How could you possibly let other people touch your crown and show them? Please bear that in mind. Sister stop wearing short sleeves. You need to cover all part of your arm BUT PALMS only. Is it really hard to understand? And most importantly, stop wearing tight clothes. No offense but you do not look nice in that apparel. Plus you make me sick seeing you wearing that thing. It's not covering aurat but wrapping it. You seriously look like a cabbage being wrapped in sheets of old newspaper.

Isn't it nice if I could see you wearing something that doesn't poke my eyes? It's hurt you know? Everyday, I have to go through this view and if the poke is real, all men on this earth shall be blind by now. Please get some clothes and cover your aurat properly. It might be hot here but not as hot as it would be when you are being punished in the afterlife. It might not comfy now but Allah will give you the best reward very soon. Be patient. Something good start with a vain sacrifice, isn't it?  'No Pain No Gain'

If you are concern about your beauty, let Allah and Allah alone decide how to define beauty. Indeed, He is the best Decision Maker. He is the best Judge. Trust Him and keep your faith. You know we love you and please, please LOVE yourselves too.

Salam from lil' bros all over the world, kerana diri mu begitu berharga.
