Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sixth Post: Courageous. What is True and What is Not.

This week, my TL in either Twitter or Facebook was and is flooded with 'Listen, Listen, Listen' and 'Animals have problems too!' and 'Sharks have problems' and most importantly our 'hero' Miss Bavani with her long statistics and figures.

I actually do not have any problem with this issue. But when I watched the video and saw how she's being humiliated in front of her peers, I think that is somehow an action of violating one's dignity. She ain't deserved to be treated like that. Plus, Miss Jobeen does not really need to grab her mic and confront her face to face. According to what a sane human would think, Miss Jobeen was as much intimidated as she tried to re-intimidate Miss Bavani in her reply speech. If she was by any chance not intimidated by all the facts and statistics presented by Miss Bavani, she won't come down stage and repeating same exclamation word over again (10 times or more). By doing just that, she has dragged her professionals level to a much lower level than Miss Bavani's after she was humiliated.

What surprised me more, was the applause from the crowd every time Miss Jobeen attacked Miss Bavani.  There's nothing wrong in supporting her(Jobeen's) points but there's a limit to that. And we know the line that should not be crossed was when Miss Bavani was alone standing confronting her dignity with an older woman who supported by Bavani's peers and, I can't imagine how she'd feel at that very moment. And if this  is the integrity that those students learnt in the university through out their 4 years, I'd very much to say, our education systems has failed us. It's a harsh truth but it is. What's the purpose of learning if we can't develop our common sense? Yeah, the lecturers ain't teaching us common senses in the syllabus but we are and should develop it during the process of learning itself. Not just by reading every single words in the text books and doing all the tutorials and all we get from that was nothing. That would make us a robot.

However, in a way, Miss Bavani, too have her own flaw, when she used a very harsh intonations towards someone older. If she was to be blamed, it's maybe because she was too emotional and with a sole intentions to make us realize that we as educated group of people actually deserve something more.

Lastly, the moment Miss Jobeen said that among all students in the hall, Miss Bavani's has the less education, I'd still believe that if she is indeed academically retarded (if that's the case but I don't think so because this type of people usually are on average at least not lowest) , she is somehow much much much more educated generically and her mind and brain and common senses are working properly compared to those clapping hand (except for one Chinese guy who has his voice in the background but later muted). Bavani actually did not by any chance deserves a place in any institutions in Malaysia because it's cheap and not capable of developing her well-developed mind. If I have the capacity, I would certainly having her to work with me and send her to any top notch university in the world like Harvard, Cambridge or else, because with the qualities she has shown she'd not just make a good student with book but a good leader, a good person and an outstanding human.
Salam, you might be good in one thing but remember there's others who are good in many things that you are not.
footnote: i) Video Post related; redirect here (2+2=5) (Shabab Alif, 2012) Do follow their Youtube Channel; Shabab alif.
            ii)  Video Post related; redirect here (Parody Forum Suara Mahasiswa) (Matluthfi, 2013) Do follow their Youtube Channel; Matluthfi.

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