Monday, January 7, 2013

Pilot Post: Mum


Weather was HOT, and by hot I meant extremely hot.
My nose just keep running. Though it's kinda usual, tp still x menyelesakan.
On top of that, in exam week, lagi bertambah keseksaannya.
Nasib baik, I'm used to it. I actually suffer from resdung and of course my nose is quite sensitive to
extreme shift of weather. Susah nk adapt to extreme hot and cold weather. Nanti mula la hidung dan hingus memainkan peranan beliau.

Anyway, the whole point of this post was about Mum. Td lepas solat kat masjid, tiba teringat kat mak.
Yela, tgh2 sembahyang punya la x khusyuk dgn running nose ni, sambil2 zikir, terkenang nasib, and suddenly teringat masa kecik dulu kena lagi teruk. Ingat lagi tengah-tengah malam, hidung tersumbat (eewahh, tersumbat dia mamcam apa. LOL). Sambil dalam kemamaian mak masa tu (maklumlah dah pukul 12 lebih, tengah malam) dgn sabar, mak dengan penuh kasih sayang bawak ak ke ruang tamu dan buka kan lampu and grab Vicks. Pastu sapukan ke belakang badan, dada, dan leher, sambil diurut-urut. Tapi masa tu kecil lagi kan, so the sense of appreciation is just too little. Hehe. So, tadi tengah selesema tahap hardcore tu yang teringat kisah ni. Not just once but a lot of time, since before intensive treatment.

However, as I'm getting older, duduk jauh from home, I start to realize that I might have hurt her conscious or unconsciously. In month, sekali je call, sampai satu tahap tu, tgh sembang2 dgn her sister, and she poped out this word 'ala, alang ni kalau dah blik hostel, mmg x call dah rumah, tggu dia blik lagi sekali la. Kalau 3 bulan, 3 bulan la kene tunggu.' *stunted*

Kan? Ak x sedar indirectly I have hurt her inside. She didnt show that, but at times we'll find out what she feels. In my defense, I actually ain't calling sebab ususally we are goin to talk about the same thing. So, I'm just afraid that she finds me annoying. Haha. *macam layan awek lak* but that's just how we should treat our mum. So, now, dalma proses nk berubah to be a better person, even if I didn;t call, I'll never forget to pray for her and Dad, and I've always wanted them to be as glad as I am, everytime I get a result or I get to understand something.

Basically, before getting into any serious relationship with any girls, I really wanted to make my mum happy first. So, if I cant commit to a girl it's becasue I have another special lady to be treated. and she literally means the world to me.

"Dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya, ibunya telah mengandungnya dengan menanggung susah payah dan telah melahirkannya dengan menanggung susah payah." (al-Ahqaf: 15)

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