Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Quick Post 2: Of Effort, Bless and Tests from Him


A very quick writing before going to sleep. I'm very tired mentally now. Infact, I got an important exam tomorrow; Differential Equation and it kills me inside out. *sigh*

Effort, Bless, Tests from God. The title says it all. I come up to write about this after this girl IM me on facebook and said, 'yakinla pada diri sendiri, jgn cuak2. Ada usaha InshaAllah ada hasilnya. Kecuali Dia nak uji kita' *you know who you are* Anyway thanks.

Yep. We have put a lot of effort on it, and when the time comes, all we could do is having a total faith on His  willing. If He favors our effort He'll surely will grant what us want. And if He did not, then He won't. Unless, though we deserve the a better thing, but if He did not grant us just that, it means He's either planning something better for us OR He's putting us on test.

Anyway, I try to not put much hope on any worldly things because it's not eternal and I don;t think these things worth to be upset about. Hence, any outcomes from my effort, worth or not, it's all His bless because there's people out there who's trying really hard but NEVER got what they actually deserve. So, count your BLESS and pray to Him, so He'll soften your heart and put you among those who are grateful.

Salam and Be Grateful.

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