I'm going backpack to Sabah next week. Wee~ -_-"
Kinda nervous and excited.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Sixth Post: Courageous. What is True and What is Not.
Source http://www.123rf.com/ |
This week, my TL in either Twitter or Facebook was and is flooded with 'Listen, Listen, Listen' and 'Animals have problems too!' and 'Sharks have problems' and most importantly our 'hero' Miss Bavani with her long statistics and figures.
I actually do not have any problem with this issue. But when I watched the video and saw how she's being humiliated in front of her peers, I think that is somehow an action of violating one's dignity. She ain't deserved to be treated like that. Plus, Miss Jobeen does not really need to grab her mic and confront her face to face. According to what a sane human would think, Miss Jobeen was as much intimidated as she tried to re-intimidate Miss Bavani in her reply speech. If she was by any chance not intimidated by all the facts and statistics presented by Miss Bavani, she won't come down stage and repeating same exclamation word over again (10 times or more). By doing just that, she has dragged her professionals level to a much lower level than Miss Bavani's after she was humiliated.
What surprised me more, was the applause from the crowd every time Miss Jobeen attacked Miss Bavani. There's nothing wrong in supporting her(Jobeen's) points but there's a limit to that. And we know the line that should not be crossed was when Miss Bavani was alone standing confronting her dignity with an older woman who supported by Bavani's peers and, I can't imagine how she'd feel at that very moment. And if this is the integrity that those students learnt in the university through out their 4 years, I'd very much to say, our education systems has failed us. It's a harsh truth but it is. What's the purpose of learning if we can't develop our common sense? Yeah, the lecturers ain't teaching us common senses in the syllabus but we are and should develop it during the process of learning itself. Not just by reading every single words in the text books and doing all the tutorials and all we get from that was nothing. That would make us a robot.
However, in a way, Miss Bavani, too have her own flaw, when she used a very harsh intonations towards someone older. If she was to be blamed, it's maybe because she was too emotional and with a sole intentions to make us realize that we as educated group of people actually deserve something more.
Lastly, the moment Miss Jobeen said that among all students in the hall, Miss Bavani's has the less education, I'd still believe that if she is indeed academically retarded (if that's the case but I don't think so because this type of people usually are on average at least not lowest) , she is somehow much much much more educated generically and her mind and brain and common senses are working properly compared to those clapping hand (except for one Chinese guy who has his voice in the background but later muted). Bavani actually did not by any chance deserves a place in any institutions in Malaysia because it's cheap and not capable of developing her well-developed mind. If I have the capacity, I would certainly having her to work with me and send her to any top notch university in the world like Harvard, Cambridge or else, because with the qualities she has shown she'd not just make a good student with book but a good leader, a good person and an outstanding human.
Salam, you might be good in one thing but remember there's others who are good in many things that you are not.
footnote: i) Video Post related; redirect here (2+2=5) (Shabab Alif, 2012) Do follow their Youtube Channel; Shabab alif.
ii) Video Post related; redirect here (Parody Forum Suara Mahasiswa) (Matluthfi, 2013) Do follow their Youtube Channel; Matluthfi.
ii) Video Post related; redirect here (Parody Forum Suara Mahasiswa) (Matluthfi, 2013) Do follow their Youtube Channel; Matluthfi.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Fifth Post: Betulkah Redha?
Source Chicagoland;Neuropsychology |
"Hari ini, iaitu 3 hari selepas berakhirnya Final Exam Semester 3, maka dengan terkejutnya, telah keluarlah keputusan bagi subjek yang agak tertentu. Ada yang dapat result ok dan memuaskan hati dan ada yang tidak. Tapi apa pun result yang keluar, kita kena terima je la. Sebab usaha,doa dan tawakkal semua kita dah buat. Lagipun bukan keputusan gred yang aku ukur sebagai pencapaian akademik ku mulai semester ini, tetapi seberapa banyak yang aku boleh gunakan untuk manfaat diri ku dan keluarga bila sudah graduate nanti. Dan cara ini lebih berkesan untuk aku melepaskan rasa kecewa jika keputusan itu mungkin tidak mencapai target. Tapi semester ni ak dah takde target apa-apa dah. Apa yang Allah beri itu yang aku terima."
Hatiku bermonolog.
Kata-kata di atas memang sangat mudah nk diungkap tambah pula bila di ekspres di dalam hati cuma. Namun bila kita betul-betul melalui situasi itu, baru kita tahu dan sedar betapa beratnya dan sukarnya untuk hati ini menerima keperitan bila melihat keputusan tidak seperti diharapkan. Perkara ini bukan berlaku sekali sekala. Dalam 13 tahun menjadi penuntut ilmu dunia, selama 13 tahun itu jugalah situasi ini harus ditempuhi. Tapi, pelik, mengapa walaupun dah 13 tahun mengahadapi perkara yang sama berulang kali, namun masih hati tidak lembut dan tidak mudah untuk terima dengan tenang. Kenapa?
Terkadang, bila teringat betapa tidak bersyukur nya diri ini dengan apa yang Dia telah kurniakan hati rasa sangat sebak, air mata mula mencurah tetapi tidak secara zahir, kerana malu, aku sebagai hamba yang usaha dan yakin padaNya tidak seberapa tetapi mahukan yang paling baik walhal apa yang aku berikan pada Nya langsung tidak setimpal. Ini kah sikap hamba? Bukan. Ini sikap manusia yang tidak kenal erti syukur.Aku dikira beruntung, kerana masih mampu dan punya kudrat untuk log in ke web dan semak keputusan ku. Walhal, ada rakan seperjuangan ku yang bukan sahaja tidak mampu berbuat sedemikian malah tidak sempat untuk merasa perasaan menduduki peperiksaaan. Tidak sempat untuk merasa menyambut tamatnya peperiksaan dengan rakan-rakan. Betapa besarnya nikmat yang Dia dah beri pada kita.
Terkadang aku terkilan, kerana terdetik dalam hati mengungkit; 'aku dah study siang malam nk dapat excellent subjek ni subjek tu, tapi kenapa tak dapat? Apa salah aku? Aku dah usaha kot, aku dah doa kot? Takkan usaha aku x cukup? Pelil pelik.' Tapi tanpa kita sedari, kita seolah-olah telah mempersoalkan pula kebijaksanaan Allah dalam menguruskan hambaNya. Sedangkan Dia sahaja yang tahu apa yang tidak kita ketahui. Kita yakin dengan usaha yang bnyak kita boleh dapat keputusan cemerlang. Padahal usaha itu sikit pun tidak menyumbang kepada keputusan kita melainkan dengan izin Allah. Susah betul nak tanam yakin dalam diri bahawa cuma Allah yang punya kuasa atas tiap2 sesuatu, bukan benda lain. Jadi hari ini, Allah dah tunjukkan depan mata kita semua, depan mata aku, depan mata kita yang usaha kita tidak ada kuasa langsung terhadapa apa pun, tetapi cuma Dia. Cuma Dia yang ada kuasa ke atas kita.
Bila rasa syukur tu hilang, bila ada rasa kecewa, cuba bisikkan dalam hati kita, ingatkan kembali tujuan kita belajar, ingatkan semula kenapa kita di sini? InshaAllah, hati akan lapang seketika.
![]() |
Source http://4.bp.blogspot.com |
Salam, keep calm and have faith. :)
Sunday, January 13, 2013
A Letter to: Sisters
Dear sisters all over the world.
You know this brother of yours loves you. You know our dad loves you. We want us all to be in Jannah. So, do what it takes for us to be there. Stop doing sins when you are not married, because all your sins are going to Dad's. You really are having the guts to see Dad get all the sins that you do? You say you love him? Really? Then proves it. Stop doing things that will make you go to Hell when you are married. I thought you guys are married of a mutual love and trust. Then why committing sins that your husbands are going to be responsible for it? Is it really love or is it just nafsu? Please show you really love us if you truly are.
Please, don't walk with pride. Don't you know all the guys are looking at you? They are looking at what you are trying to show them? Your hair, your skin, your shape. Don't blame them when the blame is actually at your end in the first place. Lower your gaze, don't simply trust them and giving them all they want. Unless they become Halal for you. They might say they love you but they just want you for who you appear to be not for what you really are. I know you are better than this sister. Dad has taught you a lot about love didn't him? Don't he already gives you enough love? Why can't you see that. You don't need love from someone who are just using you. If he' sincere loving you, then he wont ask for you to do things that is haram for you, he wont ask to touch you, what's more to kiss you. But if he did, he's not that sincere, trust me.
Dear sister,
I thought you have promised to all the guys that are responsible to your deeds; dad, brother and mum, that you are going to follow Allah's rules. You say you'll cover your aurat? But why don't you do it properly? Why must you show part of your body? Allah says cover every part of your body but palms and face. But why some of you reckon to do that? Why show hair? Don't they say in shampoo commercial that your hair is your crown. How could you possibly let other people touch your crown and show them? Please bear that in mind. Sister stop wearing short sleeves. You need to cover all part of your arm BUT PALMS only. Is it really hard to understand? And most importantly, stop wearing tight clothes. No offense but you do not look nice in that apparel. Plus you make me sick seeing you wearing that thing. It's not covering aurat but wrapping it. You seriously look like a cabbage being wrapped in sheets of old newspaper.
Isn't it nice if I could see you wearing something that doesn't poke my eyes? It's hurt you know? Everyday, I have to go through this view and if the poke is real, all men on this earth shall be blind by now. Please get some clothes and cover your aurat properly. It might be hot here but not as hot as it would be when you are being punished in the afterlife. It might not comfy now but Allah will give you the best reward very soon. Be patient. Something good start with a vain sacrifice, isn't it? 'No Pain No Gain'
If you are concern about your beauty, let Allah and Allah alone decide how to define beauty. Indeed, He is the best Decision Maker. He is the best Judge. Trust Him and keep your faith. You know we love you and please, please LOVE yourselves too.
Salam from lil' bros all over the world, kerana diri mu begitu berharga.
You know this brother of yours loves you. You know our dad loves you. We want us all to be in Jannah. So, do what it takes for us to be there. Stop doing sins when you are not married, because all your sins are going to Dad's. You really are having the guts to see Dad get all the sins that you do? You say you love him? Really? Then proves it. Stop doing things that will make you go to Hell when you are married. I thought you guys are married of a mutual love and trust. Then why committing sins that your husbands are going to be responsible for it? Is it really love or is it just nafsu? Please show you really love us if you truly are.
Please, don't walk with pride. Don't you know all the guys are looking at you? They are looking at what you are trying to show them? Your hair, your skin, your shape. Don't blame them when the blame is actually at your end in the first place. Lower your gaze, don't simply trust them and giving them all they want. Unless they become Halal for you. They might say they love you but they just want you for who you appear to be not for what you really are. I know you are better than this sister. Dad has taught you a lot about love didn't him? Don't he already gives you enough love? Why can't you see that. You don't need love from someone who are just using you. If he' sincere loving you, then he wont ask for you to do things that is haram for you, he wont ask to touch you, what's more to kiss you. But if he did, he's not that sincere, trust me.
Dear sister,
I thought you have promised to all the guys that are responsible to your deeds; dad, brother and mum, that you are going to follow Allah's rules. You say you'll cover your aurat? But why don't you do it properly? Why must you show part of your body? Allah says cover every part of your body but palms and face. But why some of you reckon to do that? Why show hair? Don't they say in shampoo commercial that your hair is your crown. How could you possibly let other people touch your crown and show them? Please bear that in mind. Sister stop wearing short sleeves. You need to cover all part of your arm BUT PALMS only. Is it really hard to understand? And most importantly, stop wearing tight clothes. No offense but you do not look nice in that apparel. Plus you make me sick seeing you wearing that thing. It's not covering aurat but wrapping it. You seriously look like a cabbage being wrapped in sheets of old newspaper.
Isn't it nice if I could see you wearing something that doesn't poke my eyes? It's hurt you know? Everyday, I have to go through this view and if the poke is real, all men on this earth shall be blind by now. Please get some clothes and cover your aurat properly. It might be hot here but not as hot as it would be when you are being punished in the afterlife. It might not comfy now but Allah will give you the best reward very soon. Be patient. Something good start with a vain sacrifice, isn't it? 'No Pain No Gain'
If you are concern about your beauty, let Allah and Allah alone decide how to define beauty. Indeed, He is the best Decision Maker. He is the best Judge. Trust Him and keep your faith. You know we love you and please, please LOVE yourselves too.
Salam from lil' bros all over the world, kerana diri mu begitu berharga.
Fourth Post: Niat; Ikhlas atau Tidak? Siapa yang Menilai?
Sedih? Terasa hati? Geram? Kecewa? Memang pun ada rasa itu. -_-" Saya pun manusia. Saya ada emosi. Bukan teguran itu yang buatkan saya sedih, bukan sarcasm anda yang buat saya geram dan kecewa. Tapi bila anda menilai saya seolah-olah saya tiada emosi walau sedikit. Tapi bila anda menilai niat saya seolah-olah tanda aras saya ialah malaikat dan seolah-olah anda tahu setiap niat dalam hati saya, dan anda boleh baca apa dalam hati saya. Saya tahu, mungkin tweet-tweet saya pasal saya usai recycle itu kutip sampah ini mungkin menganggu anda sedikit sebanyak. Ikhlas dari saya andai anda benar terganggu dengan tweet2 tu, saya dah pun delete tweet tu. Bukan niat saya nak menunjuk-nunjuk atau riak dengan apa yang saya buat, tapi mungkin sebab saya terlalu penat emosi dan fizikal buat semua perkara tu.
Cukuplah kalau saya kata bahawa jika anda rasa saya buat semua tu semata-mata untuk duit, usaha saya tu memang langsung x berbaloi. Bukan nak cakap apa, atau kondem atas usaha itu, tapi cuba bayangkan kalau anda di tempat saya, anda kena habiskan duit minyak motor/kereta paling kurang 2-7 rimnggit sehari semata-mata untuk kutip dan pusing satu UTM dan Taman Universiti untuk cari barang2 recycle yang hasilnya sehari x sampai pun 20kg. Duit mungkin bukan masalah, tapi air muka, rasa malu, ego direndahkan pergi dari satu kedai ke satu kedai minta barang recycle. Kadang-kadang sampai ada yang respon nya sgt keras, seolah-olah kami ni peminta sedekah pulak cara layanan yang diberikan. Tapi tak pe lah mungkin itu yg layak bg kami di mata mereka. Belum lagi pasal penat fizikal angkat kotak-kotak yg besar-besar bawak naik bilik, walaupun guna lif. Bukan niat mengungkit atau bermegah, cuma sedikit luahan emosi yang tak terbendung bila ada yang tuduh niat kami semata-mata untuk duit tu. Kalau betul kami nk duit tu, saya tak kan baya aunty kedai tu RM 6 untuk 20 kotak yg berat x sampai satu kilo pun. Satu kilo tu kalau bawa pegi recycle x sampai seringgit pun. Tp niat kami memang nak jadikan program environmentally friendly and dgn niat nk pegi poor countries and help people there who are in need.
Maaf dari saya andai post ini bebaur riak,atau tidak ikhlas, tapi ini luahan hati saya dan beberapa rakan lain. Kami tahu cukuplah Allah yang menilai perbuatan kami, tapi kami manusia, ada perasaan. Mudah tersentuh, mudah terasa, hati mudah terguris tambah-tambah lagi bila dipersoalkan pula keikhlasan kami. Secara jujur mungkin dalam hati ini masih ada sekelumit niat untuk duit itu,tapi setiap kali saya terfikir pasal hal ni, dan saya fikir balik dengan penat lelah, malu dan sebagainya yang saya lalui, saya terus ingat Allah dan niatkan agar ikhlas buat hal ini dan agar ibu ayah saya juga dapat saham akhirat ni. InshaAllah. Walaubagaimana pun, jutaaan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakan yang igtkan saya ttg soal ikhlas bila melakukan sesuatu, sebab terkadang saya terlupa akan hal itu, maklumlah saya sikit pun x sempurna, hari-hari masih dgn dosa, tidak 24jam ingat pada Pencipta, mujur ada rakan yang sanggup mengingati walaupun dlm nada agak tajam. Moga Allah merahmati kalian dan kami juga.
Cuma satu sahaja yang saya minta dari anda, cukuplah menilai isi hati insan yang lain. Merka tak sempurna. Mereka manusia yang lupa. Andainya, kata-kata atau kondem-an anda telah membuat merak terguris dan akhirnya menjauhkan lagi merak dari Illahi? Bukan semua orang boleh ambil teguran dari sudut positif. Tapi jika meman natura anda suka menilai orang, sekurang-kurangnya hentikanlah menilai keikhlasan orang lain. Ikhlas itu x nampak. Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu niat dalam hati hambaNya. Sedangkan si pemilik hati pun tidak tahu tahap keikhlasan dia dalam sesuatu perbuatan. Risau bila keikhlasan nya jadi keraguan, beliau akan terus tinggalkan usaha yang sedang dilakukan. Cukuplah Si Pencipta Hati ini yang menilai keikhlasan hambaNya. Teguran membina sangat diperlukan tetapi bukan kritikan yang menjatuhkan. Kerana itulah dalam berdakwah pun, ada hikmah berdakwah. Bukan dakwah membuta-tuli. Sebaliknya muliakan lah orang itu supaya teguran/dakwah itu lebih berkesan.
Salam, be sincere and share the benefits with everyone especially our Parents since they already got our sins when we just a kid back then. :)
Sedih? Terasa hati? Geram? Kecewa? Memang pun ada rasa itu. -_-" Saya pun manusia. Saya ada emosi. Bukan teguran itu yang buatkan saya sedih, bukan sarcasm anda yang buat saya geram dan kecewa. Tapi bila anda menilai saya seolah-olah saya tiada emosi walau sedikit. Tapi bila anda menilai niat saya seolah-olah tanda aras saya ialah malaikat dan seolah-olah anda tahu setiap niat dalam hati saya, dan anda boleh baca apa dalam hati saya. Saya tahu, mungkin tweet-tweet saya pasal saya usai recycle itu kutip sampah ini mungkin menganggu anda sedikit sebanyak. Ikhlas dari saya andai anda benar terganggu dengan tweet2 tu, saya dah pun delete tweet tu. Bukan niat saya nak menunjuk-nunjuk atau riak dengan apa yang saya buat, tapi mungkin sebab saya terlalu penat emosi dan fizikal buat semua perkara tu.
Cukuplah kalau saya kata bahawa jika anda rasa saya buat semua tu semata-mata untuk duit, usaha saya tu memang langsung x berbaloi. Bukan nak cakap apa, atau kondem atas usaha itu, tapi cuba bayangkan kalau anda di tempat saya, anda kena habiskan duit minyak motor/kereta paling kurang 2-7 rimnggit sehari semata-mata untuk kutip dan pusing satu UTM dan Taman Universiti untuk cari barang2 recycle yang hasilnya sehari x sampai pun 20kg. Duit mungkin bukan masalah, tapi air muka, rasa malu, ego direndahkan pergi dari satu kedai ke satu kedai minta barang recycle. Kadang-kadang sampai ada yang respon nya sgt keras, seolah-olah kami ni peminta sedekah pulak cara layanan yang diberikan. Tapi tak pe lah mungkin itu yg layak bg kami di mata mereka. Belum lagi pasal penat fizikal angkat kotak-kotak yg besar-besar bawak naik bilik, walaupun guna lif. Bukan niat mengungkit atau bermegah, cuma sedikit luahan emosi yang tak terbendung bila ada yang tuduh niat kami semata-mata untuk duit tu. Kalau betul kami nk duit tu, saya tak kan baya aunty kedai tu RM 6 untuk 20 kotak yg berat x sampai satu kilo pun. Satu kilo tu kalau bawa pegi recycle x sampai seringgit pun. Tp niat kami memang nak jadikan program environmentally friendly and dgn niat nk pegi poor countries and help people there who are in need.
Maaf dari saya andai post ini bebaur riak,atau tidak ikhlas, tapi ini luahan hati saya dan beberapa rakan lain. Kami tahu cukuplah Allah yang menilai perbuatan kami, tapi kami manusia, ada perasaan. Mudah tersentuh, mudah terasa, hati mudah terguris tambah-tambah lagi bila dipersoalkan pula keikhlasan kami. Secara jujur mungkin dalam hati ini masih ada sekelumit niat untuk duit itu,tapi setiap kali saya terfikir pasal hal ni, dan saya fikir balik dengan penat lelah, malu dan sebagainya yang saya lalui, saya terus ingat Allah dan niatkan agar ikhlas buat hal ini dan agar ibu ayah saya juga dapat saham akhirat ni. InshaAllah. Walaubagaimana pun, jutaaan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakan yang igtkan saya ttg soal ikhlas bila melakukan sesuatu, sebab terkadang saya terlupa akan hal itu, maklumlah saya sikit pun x sempurna, hari-hari masih dgn dosa, tidak 24jam ingat pada Pencipta, mujur ada rakan yang sanggup mengingati walaupun dlm nada agak tajam. Moga Allah merahmati kalian dan kami juga.
Cuma satu sahaja yang saya minta dari anda, cukuplah menilai isi hati insan yang lain. Merka tak sempurna. Mereka manusia yang lupa. Andainya, kata-kata atau kondem-an anda telah membuat merak terguris dan akhirnya menjauhkan lagi merak dari Illahi? Bukan semua orang boleh ambil teguran dari sudut positif. Tapi jika meman natura anda suka menilai orang, sekurang-kurangnya hentikanlah menilai keikhlasan orang lain. Ikhlas itu x nampak. Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu niat dalam hati hambaNya. Sedangkan si pemilik hati pun tidak tahu tahap keikhlasan dia dalam sesuatu perbuatan. Risau bila keikhlasan nya jadi keraguan, beliau akan terus tinggalkan usaha yang sedang dilakukan. Cukuplah Si Pencipta Hati ini yang menilai keikhlasan hambaNya. Teguran membina sangat diperlukan tetapi bukan kritikan yang menjatuhkan. Kerana itulah dalam berdakwah pun, ada hikmah berdakwah. Bukan dakwah membuta-tuli. Sebaliknya muliakan lah orang itu supaya teguran/dakwah itu lebih berkesan.
Salam, be sincere and share the benefits with everyone especially our Parents since they already got our sins when we just a kid back then. :)
Friday, January 11, 2013
A Letter to: Dad
Dear Dad all over the world,
Thank you for making out with Mum (well it's kinda of awkward to say this), so I could be born today by God's grace. I never thought I could ever see this world if you both did not get married, at least not being able to see this world besides you. It's such a bliss and bless to be able to be with you for all these years. The joy, tears, anger, hatred, love, miss, and many emotions we have for each other has taught me a lot. You taught me about life, and not just that you taught me about love by everyday whisper in my ears to always love Mum, despite all the blabbering. You say she nagged because she cares and she loves us. And she did not want us to be astray. You taught me to care a woman by asking me to take care of Mum like how you did when she's at her worst, when she sick, when she suffered from pregnancy. I hope one day I could to the same to a girl whose will be called my wife.
I know sometimes, I got you on your nerves. The very moment you hit me because I teased sist and contradict mum, frankly speaking, I kinda hate you that time. But, I'm just a kid back then, there's still a lot of things I've never learnt and experienced. But. as I'm getting older and seeing my friends getting me on my nerves, it got me thinking all the actions you have done was for the sake of me to learn that every deeds have rewards. Be it good, you get good rewards, be it bad, so does the punishment. Now I know, it's not about punishing at all, it's not about the pain and the scars but it's about learning something and not doing the same wrong thing over again. I would thank you for these, that now when we siblings sit together we could laugh real hard reminiscing all the time we quarrels and get punished by you. From a bad memory now it turn sweet.
Dad, I know this worldly achievement is important but so does the afterlife. I hope you could bring us all to the heaven. Please, whenever we did something wrong, punish us and remind us of Allah. We just a kid, we have not known many things yet. We need to learn more from you. Dad, please guide us to be in the right path because you are the leader in our family. I want us all, mum, brothers, sisters, each of us to be in the heaven. So none of us get punished by God punishment because His punishment is the hardest. I do not want to see my brothers to be punished by God as much as I do not want my sisters to be punished by Him. More importantly, I do not want to see you and Mum to be punished by Him and, me too, I do not want to be in God's punishment because we all know it's really hard and no one can ever escape from it. Let us be together not just in this world but in the eternal 'world' too. Because I can't resist to lose you and others.
Salam, love and hugs from children all over the world.
Picture Post 2: Unfortunately Fortunate?
Huh? 'Unfortunately' OR Fortunately? Let's think of it it this way. We might think of it as a BIG thing getting on that ship because it's the first massive-sized ship ever, and those who boarded were lucky enough. Not for so long, though. Because despite the privilege to board the fleet, they didn't actually know what awaits them? But, that guy who missed the ship, actually saved from the disaster. Let's put it to fit to our situation and you'll see how great are Allah's planning because He is indeed the BEST PLANNER. So, whatever you get, be it thing that you please of, or otherwise, be grateful, and believe that Allah has the BEST plan all along. (themuslimshow, 2013) ** I have no whatsoever credit on the picture. This is just a direct pasting from themuslimshow. Feel free to check the page out. |
Quick Post 4: Salah Faham aka Misunderstanding
Acap kali kita mengalami hal ini, tidak kira lah kita ni baik ke tidak ke? Cukup ke tidak solat tu, memang harus kita pernah mengalalmi masalah ini. Masalah bernama masalah salah faham. Salah faham terhadap apa? Yang nak dibincangkan di sini ialah salah faham terhadap tindakan atau perkataan kita terhadap orang lain dan sebaliknya. Sebagai contoh, bila kita ada seseorang mengur kita, memang kadang-kadang berapi je dalma hati ni. 'Mintak buku lima agaknya mamat ni. Haih' *hati kecil bermonolog saat ditegur oleh seseorang. Hal ini lumrah kepada kita manusia. Semua orang nak rasa diri dia betul. Walaupun, kadang-kadang kita sedar teguran itu sebenarnya betul dan bukan semata-mata nak menjatuhkan kita. Namun disebabkan naluri kita sebagai INSAN, maka wujud perasaan kurang puas hati.
Hal nya disini adalah, adakah salah perbuatan tegur menegur itu? Walaupun orang yang tegur kita itu mungkin tidak lah bagus mana pun. Banyak juga perangai dia buat, namun andai tegurannya itu betul dan mengajak ke arah yang baik, kenapa kita mesti menilai peribadi si penegur over the advice itself? Sedangkan, tiada manusia yang sempurna. Kita sendiri pun banyak buat silap, sedar atau tidak. Jadi tidak perlu lah nak melabelkan mereka-mereka yang menegur ini sebagai 'bajet bagus', 'bajet baik'. Bukankah kita disuruh saling ingat mengingati sesama sendiri? Mungkin dia tegur kita sebab itu salahs atu cara dia memperbaiki diri dia? Kan bersangka baik itu lebih baik?
Jadi, jika kita ditegur, dan teguran itu boleh menjadi medium untuk kita memperbaiki diri, tidak salah kita terima teguran itu hatta dari orang yang paling hina di muka bumi ini? Kerana jika kita cuma membenarkan teguran hanya dari manusia yang sempurna memang sampai kiamat kita tidak akan ditegur, sebab tiada manusia yang sempurna. Kan?
Salam, keep calm and be better Muslim.
footnote: Video Post related; redirect here (2 X 5) (Mr The All Shared, 2013). Do follow their Youtube Channel; Mr The All Shared and like their facebook page !
footnote: Video Post related; redirect here (2 X 5) (Mr The All Shared, 2013). Do follow their Youtube Channel; Mr The All Shared and like their facebook page !
Third Post: Ketika Hatiku Ingin Berhijrah
Nukilan Ahmad A. (2010). Sedang dalam proses membacanya, Haha. Worth to read anyway, walaupun x pernah habis lagi. -.-" |
Tajuk post ini telah dipetik dari sebuah buku nukilan Ahmad A. (2010). Bila berbicara mengenai peghijrahan, lazimnya, kita akan melihat dari sudut penghijrahan rohani. Dan post ini juga akan membincangkan mengenai peghijrahan dari perspektif ini.
Lumrah manusia melakukan kesilapan serta khilaf dalam kehidupan seharian, ditambah pula dengan persekitaran tipikal remaja yang memberi keutamaan kepada pencapaian duniawi. Saat kemanisan duniawi menyerap dalam setiap aliran darah kita, kita lupa akan suatu hakikat bahawa diri kita telah diheret semakin jauh dari Pencipta Yang Maha Esa. Oleh itu, menjadi suatu perkara yang sangat penting bagi kita sebagai seorang INSAN untuk sentiasa muhasabah diri dan menilai semula segala hal dan urusan yang kita lakukan sepanjang hari, adakah ia bertepatan dengan kehendak Illahi atau sebaliknya. Melalu penilaian inilah kita mampu untuk meletakkan satu tanda aras yang menjadi panduan untuk melahirkan 'diri kita' yang lebih produktif dan berguna untuk hari yang seterusnya. Banyak metodologi yang boleh diguna pakai untuk menilai diri kita, sebagai contoh, muhasabah diri sebelum tidur dengan memikirkan segala perkara yang dilakukan sepanjang hari atau ambil masa untuk bersendirian di tempat yang sunyi sambil memikirkan tentang perbuatan kita sepanjang hari.
Penilaian semula diri kita merupakan satu langkah yang amat penting bagi melakukan penghijrahan, agar kita tahu di mana kekurangan dan kelebihan dalam diri kita.Walau bagaimanapun, antara isu yang menjadi batu penghalang untuk kita melakukan perubahan adalah risau akan pandangan rakan-rakan serta orang sekeliling. Risau digelar hipokrit, risau dilabel 'bajet bagus', dan sebagainya. Akhirnya, kita terus dengan cara lama walaupun kita telah memiliki niat untuk berubah. Perubahan tidak mudah tetapi tidak mustahil. Jika kita terlalu memikirkan pandangan orang terhadap kita, maka kita tidak akan mampu untuk memuaskan hati setiap orang. Bukankah penilaian Allah itu yang lebih baik? Justeru puaskan lah hati Pencipta kita.
Mungkin juga ada yang takut untuk berubah kerana bimbang tidak istiqamah dan ragu-ragu dengan keikhlasan diri mereka untuk berubah. Hal ini berkait dengan diri kita sendiri, dan yang lebih parah lagi, isu ini lah yang menjadi penghalang terBESAR untuk kita berubah. Sememangnya untuk istiqamah itu susah, perlukan pengorbanan yang sangat lah besar. Namun, andai satu hari terdetik di hati ingin berubah, tidak perlulah berfikir terlalu panjang, sebaliknya terus sahaja berusaha untuk berubah. Samada ianya berterusan atau tidak, itu biarlah menjadi urusan Allah untuk menentukannya. Bukankah HIDAYAH ITU MILIK ALLAH? Mungkin hari ini kita terdetik ingin berubah, namun, belum tentu lagi esok pun kita akan terdetik juga rasa itu. Maka andai hidayah yang diberikan hari ini tidak digunakan sepenuhnya bukankah ia sesuatu yang sangat merugikan bagi kita?
"Sesungguhnya engkau (wahai Muhammad) tidak berkuasa memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada sesiapa yang engkau kasihi (supaya ia menerima Islam), tetapi Allah jualah yang berkuasa memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut undang-undang peraturanNya); dan Dia lah jua yang lebih mengetahui akan orang-orang yang (ada persediaan untuk) mendapat hidayah petunjuk (kepada memeluk Islam)." Surah Al-Qasas [28:56]
Jadi, andai anda rasa ingin melakukan perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik, teruskan lah niat itu, tidak perlu berfikir panjang. Cukup sahaja dengan niat yang ikhlas, dan letakkan usaha serta tawakkal dan serahkan segalanya kepada Dia. Dia kan Maha Mengetahui sedangkan pengetahuan kita; manusia sangatlah terhad (limited). Dan andai usaha kita tidak berterusan, teruskanlah berdoa kepada Allah, supaya Dia sentuh hati kita sekali lagi. dan mungkin yang 'sekali lagi' ini kita akan betul-betul berubah, berbanding dari kita mensia-siakan Hidayah itu, lebih baik kita gunakannnya walaupun sementara.
Sumber Foto Blog Syafiq Salim
Hence, jadikan hari ini lebih baik dari semalam, dan mohonlah pada Dia agar jadi lah kita dalam kalangan orang yang mendapat hidayah.
Salam, be kind, be human. =)
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Quick Post 3: Best Problem Solver & People Pleaser
Every single time we have a problem, ask ourselves, who did we turned to? Is it our closest friend? Our parents? Siblings? Lover? Counselor?
We, in fact me myself are oblivious about the fact that a human can't do anything for you, WITHOUT His permissions. And after watching to a video on Youtube this evening, I started to realize, that I still haven't fully relies on Him yet. He has said in His book, He is the one and only for all of us to rely on.
God is enough for us; and how excellent a guardian is He! (Al-Imran:173)
So, why do we still reckon on His ability to help us? Grab a minute and think about it. InshaAllah, if we have faith on Him, He'll try to send someone to solve our problems (that's not even an issue for Him), and we'll feel so much better to rely on Him, though the fact that we can't feel Him.
Salam, change today and be someone better tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Quick Post 2: Of Effort, Bless and Tests from Him
A very quick writing before going to sleep. I'm very tired mentally now. Infact, I got an important exam tomorrow; Differential Equation and it kills me inside out. *sigh*
Effort, Bless, Tests from God. The title says it all. I come up to write about this after this girl IM me on facebook and said, 'yakinla pada diri sendiri, jgn cuak2. Ada usaha InshaAllah ada hasilnya. Kecuali Dia nak uji kita' *you know who you are* Anyway thanks.
Yep. We have put a lot of effort on it, and when the time comes, all we could do is having a total faith on His willing. If He favors our effort He'll surely will grant what us want. And if He did not, then He won't. Unless, though we deserve the a better thing, but if He did not grant us just that, it means He's either planning something better for us OR He's putting us on test.
Anyway, I try to not put much hope on any worldly things because it's not eternal and I don;t think these things worth to be upset about. Hence, any outcomes from my effort, worth or not, it's all His bless because there's people out there who's trying really hard but NEVER got what they actually deserve. So, count your BLESS and pray to Him, so He'll soften your heart and put you among those who are grateful.
Salam and Be Grateful.
Quick Post 1: Of Beauty and Hijab.
So, here's the inaugural post for 'Quick Post'. I swear this won't take long. Maybe around 3-4 minutes of reading.
So, here's the inaugural post for 'Quick Post'. I swear this won't take long. Maybe around 3-4 minutes of reading.
Of Beauty and Hijab
Girls, it's fine to cover your hair. And not just hair, but your buttocks and breast too. Regardless what people might say to you; i.e 'so yesterday' 'country girl aka minah kampung' and etc. Because doing this isn't about considering what people might think of you, but more of what God would think of you. Seriously, why you get over your head thinking others perception on you appearance. I mean beauty is subjective. You need to read between the lines, what beauty is and what 'beauty' is. OK this is kind of complicated. Anyway, every time I see a girl with a huge hijab or so you called it, and she's not that pretty (you rarely found very pretty girl wearing huge hijab. Why? Take a guess), I will tell myself, 'You, it's ok if you are not beautiful in people's eyes as long as your inside is and Allah always know which perspective of beauty He'll choose to put you into His Jannah'
And about NIQAB, I personally find it very appealing if a girl wears it while having a normal life. That is so a turn on. Seriously. :)
So, sister, stop thinking about others and start thinking about what is BEST for you.
You know ALLAH always LOVE you more than any other guys in the world.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Picture Post 1: Of God's Word and Human's
This is somehow true. Well, I did this too, but let's us start to change this habit. I mean, we can read a whole book of worldly knowledge for hours for the sake of worldly benefit, but why can't we do the same for an eternal victory in the afterlife. :) (ilmi-islam.com,2013)
** I have no whatsoever credit on the picture. This is just a direct pasting from ilmi-islam.com. Feel free to check the page out.
Second Post: Reliance
Alhamdulillah, semalam baru habis satu paper yang goreng. 'Goreng' here doesn't meaneasy but more to goreng2 on things you know based on your general knowledge. Hah. Soalan agak hardcore, though not that hard *ape ni cakap cam kel* Tapi, whatever the output, ak serah kat Allah je lah. Dia kan sebaik-bailk Pemberi Balasan. :)
Anyway, the post is about reliance. First, what is reliance? According to thefreedictionary.com (2013), *cehhh siap ada citation gara-gar nak elak pagiarisme* reliance simply means The faith, confidence, or trust felt by one who relies; dependence. thus, we as a student, selau sangatlah bemain dengan konsep ni. X percaya? -.-" Ok let's see some examples on how we as a student being reliant.
Situasi 1:
*masuk lecture hall* Lecturer pun masuk 5 minit kemudian. Bila start je dia jar, each and everyone of u start evaluate the lecturer. *eh lecturer ni x best mcm yang sem lepas la. Dia ni mcm x reti ngajar je. Nyampah lahh..* *Lecturer ni macam best plak. Senang paham la dia ajar. mesti boleh skor subjek sem ni.*
Haha. Itu antara dialog or more like a monologue.
Situasi 2:
*Sehari sebelum exam* Wahhh, esok exam chemical processes woo.. Subjek hardcore tuu. Kene study ni. Kalau x boleh fail ak sem ni, x boleh nk ambil Transport sem depan. Dem. *mula membelek buku Felder et al dan menelaah*
Situasi 3:
*check balance kat ATM* alamak, duit ak tig=inggal sikit je ni. PTPTN masuk lambat lagi. Semano nak survive lagi 2 bulan ni. Hadoii. Mampos den x makan. Ahh. xpelah, apa guna kawan, pinjam je la. Haih duit2 kau dah lah penting, kalau tak, rak makan aku.
OK cukuplah 3 situsi tu nak gambarkan our reliance towards things. So, Basically, those three situations menunjukkan how reliance we are towards things yang sebenarnya xde apa-apa kuasa pun atas kita. Tapi, maybe sebab kita dah diajar sejak kecil untuk percaya yang makhluk2 ni yang jadi penetu kehidupan kita,baik atau buruk, mudah atau susah, dan bukan ALLAH. Padahal this contradict to what Allah Had said in the Holy Quran.
' Sesungguhnya (terhadap) hamba-hambaKu kamu (iblis) tidak dapat berkuasa ke atas mereka. Dan cukuplah Tuhanmu sebagai penjaga.' (17:65)
See, even syaitan yang pengaruh sangat besar dlam hidup kita pun , Allah kata dia (syaitan) xde kuasa sikit pun pada kita. :) hah. so, kenapa la insan ni susah betul nk percaya yang CUMA Allah je ada kuasa. Haih -.-"
Salam. Be productive.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Pilot Post: Mum
Weather was HOT, and by hot I meant extremely hot.
My nose just keep running. Though it's kinda usual, tp still x menyelesakan.
On top of that, in exam week, lagi bertambah keseksaannya.
Nasib baik, I'm used to it. I actually suffer from resdung and of course my nose is quite sensitive to
extreme shift of weather. Susah nk adapt to extreme hot and cold weather. Nanti mula la hidung dan hingus memainkan peranan beliau.
Anyway, the whole point of this post was about Mum. Td lepas solat kat masjid, tiba teringat kat mak.
Yela, tgh2 sembahyang punya la x khusyuk dgn running nose ni, sambil2 zikir, terkenang nasib, and suddenly teringat masa kecik dulu kena lagi teruk. Ingat lagi tengah-tengah malam, hidung tersumbat (eewahh, tersumbat dia mamcam apa. LOL). Sambil dalam kemamaian mak masa tu (maklumlah dah pukul 12 lebih, tengah malam) dgn sabar, mak dengan penuh kasih sayang bawak ak ke ruang tamu dan buka kan lampu and grab Vicks. Pastu sapukan ke belakang badan, dada, dan leher, sambil diurut-urut. Tapi masa tu kecil lagi kan, so the sense of appreciation is just too little. Hehe. So, tadi tengah selesema tahap hardcore tu yang teringat kisah ni. Not just once but a lot of time, since before intensive treatment.
However, as I'm getting older, duduk jauh from home, I start to realize that I might have hurt her conscious or unconsciously. In month, sekali je call, sampai satu tahap tu, tgh sembang2 dgn her sister, and she poped out this word 'ala, alang ni kalau dah blik hostel, mmg x call dah rumah, tggu dia blik lagi sekali la. Kalau 3 bulan, 3 bulan la kene tunggu.' *stunted*
Kan? Ak x sedar indirectly I have hurt her inside. She didnt show that, but at times we'll find out what she feels. In my defense, I actually ain't calling sebab ususally we are goin to talk about the same thing. So, I'm just afraid that she finds me annoying. Haha. *macam layan awek lak* but that's just how we should treat our mum. So, now, dalma proses nk berubah to be a better person, even if I didn;t call, I'll never forget to pray for her and Dad, and I've always wanted them to be as glad as I am, everytime I get a result or I get to understand something.
Basically, before getting into any serious relationship with any girls, I really wanted to make my mum happy first. So, if I cant commit to a girl it's becasue I have another special lady to be treated. and she literally means the world to me.
"Dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya, ibunya telah mengandungnya dengan menanggung susah payah dan telah melahirkannya dengan menanggung susah payah." (al-Ahqaf: 15)
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